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Lustrous, Bespoke, Effortless Hair

Core Care

Healthy hair begins with self care. Yes, DNA plays a role in hair health. But what you eat, medications, your daily stress, how you destress, etc. all affect your health and are eventually reflected in your hair.  Recently, I personally experienced significant hair loss after an extremely stressful couple of years. Add hormonal changes to that stress, etc. and it will definitely show up in hair coming out in handfuls and dry, dull skin.  Just like training our core, we might not see results immediately but will notice the effects in a more balanced, flexible, not dry and crispy ;) body over the next several months.  I believe in and recommend a mineral 'detoxing' of hair 3-4 times a year as well as a restructuring and rebuilding system that does not wash out of hair. 

Head Shape Matters Bespoke Haircutting

Head Shape Matters™ hair cutting is bespoke, or custom tailored, hair cutting specifically altered to the unique shape of your head. If you've struggled with flat spots, hair that won't lay right, if you have very fine hair that always looks wimpy or thick or curly hair that seems to take over, as a Head Shape Matters Certified stylist, I am confident I can help you understand why you are having problems and also what your best options are for your very best hair.

I became certified in Head Shape Matters in 2015 and have helped teach and mentor other hairstylists in this patented system over the last 5 years across the United States.

Healthy Blondes and Reflective Color

Customized Just for You

I use lighteners and developers that keep hair in it's best condition. I will always put hair's hair's health as the priority. I follow all my lighteners with an anti-oxidizing shot to completely stop the chemical reaction in the hair to preserve the hair's integrity. I am priveleged to use REF, a Swedish line that includes Color, Cleansing and Conditioning and Styling Care.  It has consistently shown to be superior in durability, gray coverage, shine while keeping hair's integrity.  





All color is not alike. And all haircare is not alike. But most importantly, no person has the same head shape, hair texture, hair health, growth pattern or preferences in hair color or cut.  I often joke that God has a sense of humor and had planned for me: "You, Larissa. You will love all things hair from early on and will be a hair stylist. But to keep you humble, I will 'bless' you with fine, thin, fragile, challenging hair. I will give you natural wave. But only in the back. Then you will fully understand the plight of many.      Now carry on." Love, God


I feel you. Know that you CAN take advantage of your own unique hair characteristics

 and enjoy your best hair.

I'd be honored to work with you.

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